It's week 920, and today is the Ides of March. Try not to get stabbed by your senators today, folks.
One of the communication mantras that we try to live by at BNB is:
'Sounds Good.'
We love designing and building new technology to help our clients. But in one sense, our work as consultants is to take work away from our clients' plates. The things we build and deliver mean that they can achieve their goals faster, or more frequently, or more accurately, or with less hassle. We're not in competition with our clients for work, but our job should always make their jobs easier. That means whenever possible, we think about the question: does this make less work for my client?
This includes things like asking for feedback or responses! As much as possible, every communication with a client should have an obvious option to move forward; they should be able to reply 'Sounds good' to keep us moving forward.
We don't always get this right, and I have a tendency to be wordy and provide too many options. But that's the goal: you should be able to see any communication from BNB, understand what we're proposing, and reply:
👍 Sounds good.